Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Discounted Advertising for ABC Members!

Greetings EBLNG!

Brides Northern California Magazine recently re-launched their brand by making strategic changes to the website and to the Magazine as well. Take a peek - pick up a copy of the Brides Northern California or visit It's a great example of successful and effective branding!

And right now your ABC membership has marketing and advertising benefits… see below!

SPECIAL OFFER: from Brides Northern California Magazine

“We all need to be savvy about leveraging our relationships and commitments, and providing appropriate incentives for referrals.
Proof-positive: We at Brides Northern CaliforniaMagazine and are proud to offer ABC members who wish to become new marketing partners a special introductory rate. New Advertisers purchasing Basic Packages with our magazine and website will secure a special, added discount off protected 2006-based rates~ provided you sign up by Valentine's Day! (February 14 Deadline; how appropriate!)

Please call or email Jennifer Adamson or Janis McFarling for more details:
Jennifer Adamson Tel. (415) 955.5707
Janis McFarling Tel. (415) 955.8277

We look forward to hearing from you, and wish you: Prosperous Bookings and, All the Best!”

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