Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Welcome members and friends! The Association of Bridal Consultants has had a face lift for 2007! Receive updated member benefits brochures at our next EBLNG meeting, January 15th, 2007, at The Hillside Club in Berkeley!

We are very excited to kick off 2007 and help you get the most out of your investment in the Association…

Not only will we enjoy good food, explore new venues and services every other month, meet industry friends and gather tips and information from qualified professionals, but we’ll have fun doing it!

Don’t miss our upcoming meeting on Trends for 2007, and look forward to our March meeting on Marketing Your Business and Getting Your Name Out There. Also, always feel free to let your co-directors know what we can do to make EBLNG most beneficial to you. We can be reached at the following e-mail:

As an active member in the only organization exclusively dedicated to serving wedding professionals world wide, you can participate in the East Bay Local Networking Group for a discounted registration fee, and find opportunities to network, learn, and grow your business!

EBLNG services support ABC’s mission to enhance wedding industry professionalism and increase the recognition of trained wedding professionals. Please join us.

Happy New Year, Everyone! May it be a successful year for us all!

Our Best,

Nelle & Michelle